
目前顯示的是 4月, 2015的文章

[易混淆單字群] SELFIE /SELFISH 自私自拍傻傻分不清楚

 我們總是在犯錯中, 學習更多新事物, 而且有時候也令你永生難忘 早上看到 Katy Perry 演唱會 花絮影片 ,  這一位爆紅的台灣女觀眾,  因為教Katy 中文令大家稱羨之時, 因為Katy不期然問他,  How do you say SELFIE in Chinese? 女粉絲想了一下, 冒出了 "自私" 這個詞.... 總之, 就是令老師們有點愣住了.(汗) 不過我想, 這位粉絲,  一輩子, 都不會忘記 [自拍] 英文叫做 selfie (selfy)  self portrait  (釋義: A picture taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to Facebook, Myspace or any other sort of social networking website.)                                                 * upload   上傳  / download  下載                                                 * social networking 社交網絡 (例如fb, ig, twitter..etc.) 老實說, 他的反應還算良好, 想到了音很接近的 " Selfish " (自私的) 然後我就想了, 其實很多台灣學生國高中學英文, 老師因為面對太多同學, 說真的沒有辦法一...

[生活英語巴拉巴拉] Same old way! 一如往常

最簡單的招呼, 有時也很令人頭疼呢! How are you today? How's everything going? How do you do? 被問到這些你今天過得如何/最近怎麼樣的招呼 有時難免會想: 我除了I'm fine. 還能說什麼? 說真的有時後, 你說了i'm under the weather, 也不確定別人是不是想聽你吐苦水,所以最常不變的答案是: 一如往常 就這樣囉 跟平常一樣 普通普通 今天來個新說法, 不要再說I'm fine 或者 so so了 A: How's everything been going? B: SAME OLD, SAME OLD. same old story, 一樣的老故事 就是一如往常之意!

[英語潮一下] Brunch on fleek!

Sunday morning should always comes with a terrific brunch set!!! Who doesn't like brunch!!? 誰不愛早午餐呢! heart emoticon   BRUNCH ON FLEEK!   heart emoticon 早午餐感覺就是優閒生活的代表 A cup of cappuccino, a sun side up egg, some fried sausages or smoked salmon with rocket.....(天啊!為什麼週末還沒到? ) 注意到沒有!!! brunch on fleek! fleek這個字算是近代英語字彙, 首次出現也是2003年囉! 字典上釋義為awesome 的意思, 後來又因為某個黑人部落客Peaches Monroee上傳了短片讓大家看看她的"有型"眉毛,她說了eyeborws on fleek! 然後, 它變成一種"潮語" lol, anyways, 變成琅琅上口的表達很cool的意思, 什麼都可以on fleek 一下! 話說這週末,準備好要吃什麼早午餐了嗎? 我有好長的口袋名單!  ------------------------------------------------------------- lie/lay的練習題解答: baaab

[易混淆單字群] lie 與 lay 的多重角色

[易混淆單字群] 有其中一個令同學困惑的就是 lie 與 lay 的多重身分和動詞三態變化, 常讓人摸不著頭緒啊! # 先來看看清楚的表格    LIE & LAY --------------------------------------------------------- lie / lay examples lie The baby lies in bed sweetly. lay I lay on the couch at my best friend’s house last night. lain Helen has lain in bed for 2 days, she’s really ill. lying My dog is now lying in her bed. lie Don’t lie to your parents. lied He lied to his girlfriend so many times, so his girlfriend broke up with him. lied Mark has lied to his customers on business for several weeks. lying He is lying ! lay Thomas lays hundreds of his Nike shoes in the attic. laid I laid those eggs in the fridge. laid The keys have been laid on the table by my big bro...

[聽英文歌曲學英文] AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME 只要你愛我 (小賈斯汀)

As Long As You Love Me (by Justin Bieber) As long as you love me  [3x] We're under pressure,(我們愛得如此壓力) Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in (七十億人等著看好戲) Keep it together,(所以緊緊與我相扣) Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning (frowning)(即使感到生氣也要面帶微笑) But hey now (hey now), you know, girl (know girl),(但女孩, 你知道的) We both know it's a cruel world(這是一個如此殘酷的世界) But I will take my chances(但我一定抓緊著機會) As long as you love me(只要你愛我) We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke (我們可以忍受飢餓, 我們可以流浪, 我們可以落魄) As long as you love me(只要你愛著我) I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold (我會成為你的星星, 我會成為你的銀河, 我會成為你的驕傲) As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (love me) As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (love me) (只要你愛我) I'll be your soldier,(我會成為你的戰士) Fighting every second of the day for your dreams, girl(為你的夢而戰) I'll be your Hova (我會成...


動詞片語在平常外國人的生活對話中, 其實很常用。 原因不外乎是,很簡單的動詞和介系詞的組合,組合很多元,意思很多種,口語上也很好表達。 但對台灣學生來說,基本上是頭痛的部分之一。 國中一到三年級就有這個部分的學習,也有這樣的考題,常常被選項混淆的學生,會因此覺得動詞片語是不是要買一本從頭背到尾? Eva個人的建議是,真的不用這樣窮忙。 因為,當你背完了第10頁,你可能忘了第5頁了。 多看文章,就會遇到各種動詞片語,連著例句一起吸收,更事半功倍唷! 以下有幾個句子: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The building blew up because of a gas leak.   (merriam-webster) 2. She blew up at everybody after a very long and bad day.   (merriam-webster) 3. Their partnership  broke up .   (merriam-webster) 4. The meeting broke up when all the business for the day had been completed. (merriam-webster) 5. The business is looking up .   (merriam-webster) 6. Help me look up the address of the bookshop. 7. Look up ! Thing are not so bad.  (merriam-webster) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✔ blow up 在上述兩個句子中, 能不能大概推的出意思呢?     這裡列舉兩個常用意思: (1) ...

[國中會考牛刀小試] 001

  ◆   國中會考易考題型A ◆   ____________________________________________________ 1. Some parents tell their children if they can't do well in exams, they _________     pocket money.     (A) will give  (B) won't give  (C) won't be gave  (D) won't be given 2. The clerk __________ the shop when we got there.     (A) close (B) has closed  (C) had closed  (D) was closed 3. Alex: Why are you still here? It's already eight o'clock.     Tom: Because I ____ my work. Don't worry. It's almost done. (99基測)     (A) wasn't finishing    (B) wouldn't finish  (C) haven't finished  (D) won't finish 4. Since their family __________ to this country, they have been very happy.     (A) has arrived   (B) arrived  (C) were arrived  (D) was arriving 5. When Joseph got home, his parents _______to sleep an hour before.     (A) went  (B) were going  (C...